Breast Cancer Deaths In Ghana Surpass 2,300 In 2024

According to the CEO of Peace and Love Hospital and President of Breast Care International, more than 2,300 Ghanaian women lost their lives to breast cancer in 2024.
According to Dr. Beatrice Wiafe-Addai, 5,000 women in Ghana received a breast cancer diagnosis; over half of them died.
When she went to some churches in Kentinkrono, Kumasi, to raise awareness of breast cancer among women, she spoke to Adom News.
In order to prevent breast cancer and detect it early, she advised them to attend the hospital on a frequent basis.
The majority of women with breast cancer are under 50, according to recent data, and the number is rising, she said.
The incident of women developing breast cancer under the age of fifty is on the rise in the USA, we see the same trend in Africa, because in Africa our cancers strike earlier,” she said.
Mrs Beatrice Wiafe Addai believes it is imperative for continuous awareness creation and clinical screening and also to support those with the disease.
“No women should be left to fight breast cancer alone and we should also try to put people at the center of cancer care,” she expressed.
She applauded the media for the continuous support in breast cancer awareness.