
Ketu South Hits The Streets Over Outrageous ECG Bills

Locals in the Volta Region’s Ketu South Municipality are furious and frustrated with the Electricity Company of Ghana (ECG) over what they see as improper billing practices.

They assert that there have been considerable financial and psychological costs associated with these activities.

The primary problem is the disparity between the bills that are received and the readings on the power meters that are installed in homes and businesses. Many customers are receiving what they refer to as “outrageous bills” based on predicted or anticipated consumption rather than actual usage, even though these meters are there and are meant to detect consumption precisely.

The customers have listed a number of requests to address the issue:

Suspension of problematic Billing program: To guarantee correct meter readings and billings, the problematic billing program should be stopped, changed, or replaced.

Stop Disconnections Owing to Billing Errors: Until the problems are fixed, clients who have billing errors should not be disconnected.

Prepaid meters should be optional for anyone who would want them.

Audit of Meters: In order to address the issue of illicit meters purchased from neighboring countries that cause a large loss of revenue, the ECG should audit meters in the areas under the authority of the Denu ECG.

Better Customer Service: Employees at the Denu office ought to receive training on how to handle clients with respect and expertise.

The locals highlight that because these problems undermine community stability and erode public trust, they not only create personal pain but also constitute a severe threat to national security. They demand that the ECG act right now to allay their worries and bring accountability and justice back into its charging procedures.

Nonetheless, the billing problems have also impacted the residents of Keta and other surrounding places, and they have urged the authorities to take immediate action to resolve the matter.

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