
Alan Promises Introduction Of Government Salary Scheme For Arabic Teachers

If elected, Movement for Change founder and leader Alan Kyerematen has promised to take thorough steps to improve the lives of all Zongo community members.

His approach includes paying Arabic school teachers a monthly salary for their vital work by integrating them into the Ghana Education Service (GES).

Additionally, Mr. Kyerematen promised that if he were elected president, he would enroll Arabic school teachers (Makaranta) in a government salary program.

Teachers are teachers everywhere, hence it is regrettable that Makaranta instructors are not accepted as members of the Ghana Education Service. “I am dedicated to making sure that Makaranta teachers are incorporated into the GES upon my election as President,” he declared.

Speaking during the opening of his party’s Zongo wing, Zumunta, at Darkuman in Accra, Mr. Kyerematen blasted the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC) and the ruling New Patriotic Party (NPP) for ignoring Zongo villages in spite of the latter’s strong electoral support.

He outlined his vision for a better Ghana and emphasized the need for transformation.

Read Also: John Mahama promises to use content creators for culture promotion 

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