
No Sign Of Human Life In Atsu’s Residence – Turkish Authorities

News coming from Turkey indicates that there is no sign of human life in Christian Atsu’s residence.

No Signs Of Human Life In Atsu's Residence - Turkish Authorities

After ten days of searching, Turkish authorities have officially declared that there is no sign of human life in the rubble where Christian Atsu and the other earthquake victims were allegedly trapped.

This new information was released 5 hours ago. We cannot determine Christian’s current condition, including whether he is alive or dead. Ghanaians are hoping to hear good news.

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Shoes belonging to the player were recovered two days ago in his flat in the Renaissance building in Hataysapor.  TTK miners also found some of his personal belongings including clothes, bedsheets and other things.

It is also reported that  Christian Atsu managed to get out of the first earthquake at 4:17 am (6th February 2023) because he had not slept around that time.

No Signs Of Human Life In Atsu's Residence - Turkish Authorities

He later ran to the parking garage to get his car out and it was during that period (20 minutes later) that the Renessaiance building collapsed following the second earthquake. It is now strongly believed that he may have slipped in between when the building was tilted. Reports earlier suggested there was a sign of human lives under the wreckage and now reporting there is no sign of human life under the wreckage.

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