
Stonebwoy Questions Why Mahama’s Projects Have Been Left To Rot Under AKufo-Addo’s Government

Dancehall musician Stonebwoy said he is perplexed by Ghana’s lack of political continuity.

He finds it concerning that over time, governments have undertaken new projects at the cost of the tax payers while relegating other projects they had inherited.

In an interview, a musician remarked, “What worries me most is that when a government takes office, they commence a lot of projects, start some, get some halfway through, finish some, and then they turn back on what is intended to continue.

“Especially in my country, you have the former President who built a lot of infrastructure, like the schools, the new airport terminal we have, and he did a lot of hospitals, and you find out that in that political scheme, the new one comes and also establishes a lot of good ideas, like the free education that he brought, but then the school buildings that were built by the former President, they are not in use,” he continued. They are only vacant.

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