
Men In 30 Has Nothing To Offer – Vicky Zugah

Ghanaian actress Vicky Zugah has sent a word of caution to men in 30 not to bother approaching her with a love proposal.

Men In 30 Has Nothing To Offer - Vicky Zugah

She has urged any man under 30 not to bother her with love proposals because they have nothing to give her. According to the actress, such men are in the process of finding their feet in life.

Her argument can be debated because there are a lot of men in 30 doing enormously well financially. Vicky Zugah has caused a discussion on twitter and Instagram for her post.

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Men In 30 Has Nothing To Offer - Vicky Zugah

She explained she has many men in 30 in her DMs pleading for her hand in marriage. Zugah is said to be the hottest cake in town. Yes, her market is blazing.

Zugah stated that she is approaching 40, and her younger brother is in his early 30s. Men younger than that should never date her. A warning to men in 30 fantasizing about dating or marrying the actress to kill your dreams.

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Men In 30 Has Nothing To Offer - Vicky Zugah


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