
Ways Gym Instructors Lure Married Women To Bed

There have been reports of some gym instructors sleeping with married women, and we have uncovered ways gym instructors lure their prey.

Ways Gym Instructors Lure Married Women To Bed

Last year an instructor was allegedly shot dead for his affair with a married woman. Another report also explained ways gym instructors take advantage of some women.

With the gym madness, it is widely discussed that many gym instructors do not just lure these women but sometimes end up sleeping with them.

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Ways Gym Instructors Lure Married Women To Bed

Many have implied that sometimes the positions these instructors put these women in when helping them work out raise eyebrows.

There are instances where these instructors lie on these women, caress their private parts, or stroke their backs and bums. A lady has shared her observations about how these instructors are convenient avenues for married men to cheat.

There are many ways gym instructors lure women to bed. Because of their athleticism, they performed in bed to a pleasing standard.

Ways Gym Instructors Lure Married Women To Bed

According to her, after these women fall in love with these instructors, they end up in their beds and get blackmailed about revealing the truth.

“Not just gym instructors, male hair stylists and nail technicians are guilty too. They target rich and vulnerable married women and then prey on them. Over time these women fall helplessly till they sleep with them then start blackmailing them. These dudes play ghetto.”

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