A Judge Demanded Sex From Me To Free My Husband

A heartbroken woman has taken to social media to announce how a judge demanded sex from her to save her husband from going to prison.
According to the depressed woman, She had to sleep with a judge to ensure her husband comes home. Despite going extra mile for the husband, the man, is filling for divorce.
The husband was said to have been slapped with a hefty fine by the court. Not being able to pay, he was sentenced to 30 years in prison. Before a woman will go that extra mile, know that she is in love.
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She said that she pleaded with the judge to temper justice with mercy. The man proposed to sleep with her in exchange for her husband’s release.
With the fear of raising children without a father, she gave in to the judge’s request and, as promised, her husband was immediately released.
In a self-recorded video, the woman who looked very sober said her husband has started the process of divorcing her. After opening up about what she did to meet his release requirements.
The pained woman is now seeking help from netizens on how to save her marriage from collapsing. A netizen suggested she reconnect with the judge to re-open the case.
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