
Alan’s Running Mate, KOD, Launches Youth-Based Campaign In Oti Region

Kwame Owusu Danso, also referred to as KOD, the Afrafranto Alliance’s vice presidential candidate, began his much awaited campaign trail in the Oti Region to a resounding welcome.

KOD, a local, traveled to Akaa Buem and Jasikan, where he spoke with women’s organizations, youth, and chiefs, fervently outlining important policies from Alan Kyerematen’s Great Transformational Plan (GTP).

Seeing KOD as one of their own, the young threw their support behind him in force, sparking a surge of enthusiasm and optimism throughout the area.

KOD paid an emotional visit to his late father’s cemetery in Akaa Buem, his ancestral home, with the help of family, old friends, and well-meaning locals. Following customary procedures, KOD laid a wreath on the tomb. Touched by the occasion, one elder said that KOD had brought honor to his late father and the whole family.

Later, KOD engaged with the community, concentrating on youth development, and met with the traditional leaders.

He highlighted the 10 points of Alan Kyerematen’s plan for youth empowerment, which are focused on fostering youth leadership, job creation, and skill development.
As he described how the GTP will change the lives of young people throughout Ghana, the audience applauded.

One of the most noteworthy aspects of his speech was the suggestion to set up 100,000 health kiosks throughout local communities.

“This policy is revolutionary – it will create 100,000 jobs while decongesting our hospitals. People can check their blood pressure, sugar, and cholesterol levels right in their neighbourhoods,” he explained.

KOD urged the Oti Region to become the West African aquaculture hub under the GTP. He emphasized the need for a corruption-free society and the New Agricultural Revolution, which he promised would create thousands of jobs.

KOD also visited the chiefs of the Muslim community, promising to create job opportunities and put Makaranta teachers on the GES payroll. His campaign tour is not just a political movement but a call for change in the Oti Region. His growing popularity is a testament to his message’s resonating appeal.

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