
Almost 22,000 Male Condoms Were Handed Out At Oguaa Fetu Afahye

In Cape Coast, during the Fetu Afahye time, 21,552 male condoms were given away for free by the Planned Parenthood Association of Ghana (PPAG).

By all accounts, the Fetu Afahye 2024 was a success. with thousands of visitors swarming Cape Coast for the celebration. The city had a huge funfair and there was a lot of socializing.

Thousands of people, both young and elderly, were crammed into the city as new amusement spots sprung up.

It was expected that many would engage in casual sexual behavior because there was a lot of food and drink available.

The PPAG Cape Coast Clinic, in collaboration with the Cape Coast Youth Action Movement (YAM) branch and other key stakeholders, arranged a number of activities both before and during the festival to help keep people “safe” in an effort to prevent sexually transmitted infections (STIs), including HIV, unintended pregnancies, and sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) during the Cape Coast Festival.

In addition, 722 individuals underwent HIV screening; two of them had positive results.

Additionally, 622 individuals were examined for Hepatitis B, and 5 positive cases were found.

Read Also: Street Vendors Lead in Positive HIV Cases for 2023 

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