
CDD-Ghana survey unveils mismanagement of mineral royalties by District Assemblies

CDD-Ghana survey unveils mismanagement of mineral royalties by District Assemblies.

A recent survey conducted by the Centre for Democratic Development (CDD-Ghana) has revealed that some District Assemblies are mismanaging funds received from mineral royalties, which are meant to be used for the development of areas where mining activities take place.

The survey, known as the District Mining Development Card, was carried out by CDD-Ghana to assess how effectively these communities, which benefit from mineral royalties, are utilizing the funds.

It covered eight out of the 28 mining districts across the country.

Speaking on Adom FM’s Burning Issues, a Research Analyst at CDD-Ghana, Emmanuel Yeboah disclosed that, instead of channeling the mineral royalties into projects that would bring long-term benefits to their communities, some Assemblies are spending the funds on funeral donations, fuel, and even maintenance work for palaces.

“According to the Local Government Act, mineral royalties are supposed to be invested in developmental projects such as education, health, and sanitation,” he explained.

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However, Mr Yeboah noted that one of the significant challenges identified was the recurrent expenditures by these Assemblies.

“In fact, some districts are using the funds received from mineral royalties on non-essential expenses like funeral donations, fuel, and palace maintenance,” he added.

Mr. Yeboah mentioned that, due to the absence of a clear policy on how the districts should allocate these royalties, many Assemblies are left to use their discretion.

The survey also ranked the performance of various districts in terms of the efficient utilization of mineral royalties.

According to Mr Yeboah, Brim North Municipal came out on top with a score of 42.4%.

Tarkwa Nsuaem followed closely in second place with 41.9%, Wassa East was third with 41%, Upper Denkyira West took the fourth spot with 40%, and Bibiani Anhwiaso Bekai was fifth with 39%.

Other districts in the ranking included Obuasi in sixth place with 35%, Asutifi North in seventh with 34%, and Prestea-Huni Valley in eighth with 33%.

Mr Yeboah added that, CDD-Ghana will soon publish the full details of how each district has utilized its mineral royalties.

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