
Efua Ghartey Becomes The First Woman To Lead Ghana Bar Association

Being the first female president of the Ghana Bar Association (GBA), Efua Ghartey has achieved a great deal for the legal profession in Ghana.

Her election dismantles a long-standing barrier in an organization run by males historically. Ghartey’s win is hailed as a turning point for gender parity in the legal industry, motivating a lot of people as she opens doors for other women in leadership roles.

Ghartey received 1,208 votes, more than her opponent Kwadzo Dzakpasu’s 1,060 votes, in a closely contested race.

Her commitment to the legal profession, where she has established a reputation as a steadfast champion for justice, has defined her path to this leadership role. She has gained respect and admiration for her years of dedication and service.

Ghartey’s election occurs at a pivotal juncture, when discussions about women’s empowerment and gender equality are picking up steam in Ghana across a range of industries.

Her ascent to the presidency is thought to be a reflection of the increasing acknowledgement of women’s contributions and abilities in the legal field.


Auralius Awuku was selected as Assistant Secretary and Baffour Gyau as General Secretary in addition to Ghartey’s win.

Lawrencia Adika was chosen to serve as Assistant Public Relations Officer (PRO), replacing Saviour Kodzi in that capacity. The incoming leadership group is well-positioned to contribute new insights to the GBA’s future.

Efua Ghartey, the President of the GBA, is supposed to lead with vision and honesty, pushing for legal reforms and encouraging more inclusivity within the industry.

Her triumph follows Tuesday, July 30, 2024, when the Affirmative Action Gender Equity bill was passed.

The Act’s goal is to successfully resolve gender imbalances in society that are caused by historical discrimination against women and enduring patriarchal sociocultural norms and systems. These imbalances are social, cultural, economic, and political.

The goal of the Act is to guarantee gender parity in the public and private spheres.

Read Also: GBA President Says Students From Rich Homes Should Pay For Free SHS 

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