
Fund Upper East airport project – BONABOTO urges government and mining companies

Fund Upper East airport project – BONABOTO urges government and mining companies.

BONABOTO, a non-partisan association of citizens from Bolgatanga, Nangodi, Bongo, Tongo, Zuarungu, and surrounding areas, has called on both the government and mining companies operating in the Upper East region to collaborate in the construction of an airport for the region.

The group believes that such an initiative will not only open up the Upper East Region but also stimulate economic growth and development.

The National President of BONABOTO, Professor Samuel Awinkine Atintono, emphasized the importance of collaboration between the government and mining companies for the realization of the airport project.

“We, as a group that is focused on development, would like to appeal to the government to take a serious look at these issues. We have over the years been fighting for the construction of the airport, which already has some groundwork at Sumbrungo. We call on the government and all development partners, especially the mining companies, to ensure that they support us to have the airport constructed within the shortest possible time to open up the region.”

The president made this passionate appeal during the 13th Biennial Delegate’s Congress of BONABOTO held at the Gbeogo School for the Deaf in the Talensi district.

Successive governments have failed to construct an airport for the people of the Upper East region, after an attempt at a 120-meter runway was constructed in 1995 at the Sumbrungu community in the Bolgatanga municipality.

Speaking to Citi News, Prof. Atintono said the controversies over the location of an airport concluded at its initial place, the Sumbrungu community, after the government’s committee findings.

He called on feuding factions of the Bawku skin and the Bolgatanga chieftaincy dispute to allow peace to prevail in the region so that development such as the construction of an airport could be realized.

Upper East Regional Minister, Stephen Yakubu, said the government is committed to constructing an airport for the region.

“The last time the Vice President was here, I told him to build an airport in the region before the end of the year 2024 and we’re working seriously on it.”

Mr. Yakubu called on BONABOTO to collaborate with other stakeholders such as the Regional Coordinating Council and the academic institutions to come out with a Regional Development Strategic Plan to leverage the human and material resources the region has been endowed with.

Paramount Chief of the Talensi Traditional Area, Tongraan Kugbilsong Nanlebgtang, reiterated his call for large-scale gold mining in his area, raising concerns about activities of illegal gold mining in the Talensi district.

“Some of these illegal miners wash the chemicals, and it runs into the small streams which move into the Red Volta. If you travel to the eastern part of Talensi, you will see so much damage to farms by these illegal miners,” he complained.

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He said the traditional council has drafted a corporate social responsibility document for the two large-scale mining companies operating in the district to ensure the district and the region get sustainable development out of the gold mined.

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