
Heavy rain kills 30 goats in Anyinam

Heavy rain kills 30 goats in Anyinam.

Following another heavy downpour that occurred yesterday, property worth millions of Ghana cedis was destroyed in Anyinam, a suburb of Obuasi Municipal.

Personal items including television sets, clothes, chairs, mattresses, etc were destroyed in the process.

An AGA Obuasi mine fence wall was broken, resulting in the death of 30 goats which were close to the wall.

The destruction prompted the NDC parliamentary candidate (PC) for Obuasi West Constituency, Faustilove Appiah Kannin to visit the affected areas.

Speaking to Adom News, the PC acknowledged that a lot of properties had been destroyed both at Korfikrom and Anyinam due to the heavy downpour.

While wishing those injured a quick recovery, she called on the authorities to urgently come and support those affected by the rainstorm.

Some affected members said they invited NADMO and AGA Obuasi mine officials to witness what had taken place regarding the destruction the fence wall has caused, killing the thirty goats.

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They said some houses in the town were also badly hit by the rainstorm.

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