
Komfo Anokye Hospital starts NHIA ‘s free dialysis program

The National Health Insurance Authority (NHIA) policy of covering the cost of dialysis for kidney patients under the age of 18 and over 60 years old has been put into effect by the Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital.

The hospital’s management has acknowledged that patients who initially paid for the services will receive refunds, and eight individuals have already benefited from this program.

Only 20% of patients with end-stage renal illness could previously afford the twice-weekly dialysis sessions, according to the hospital’s management.

But they anticipate that 80% of the population will receive the required care thanks to the NHIA’s intervention.

The NHIA’s chief executive officer, Dr. Da-Costa Aboagye, paid a visit to the hospital to oversee the execution of the policy and gave assurances that the government would see to it that it is implemented effectively.

He said that after hospitals file their claims, the NHIA will pay back the cost of dialysis.
Dr. Aboagye continued, “The government has a comprehensive plan for chronic diseases, including kidney disease.”

He stated:

“We are just monitoring so today we are in the Ashanti Region, just to see how it’s being implemented. Like I said the last time the CEOs were part of this meeting, and we took a collective decision based on the resources that we had. From the National Health Insurance Authority, we have the money available, we’ll reimburse them once the claims are submitted to us.”

“Government do have a comprehensive plan not only for kidney diseases but also for chronic diseases. I’m very sure that very soon it will be unveiled as part of the government’s overall agenda.”

The hospital’s Deputy Medical Director, Dr. Yaw Opare Larbi, confirmed the implementation asserting that patients who paid for dialysis treatment starting from June 1 will be refunded.

“We had a meeting, we called stakeholders in the hospital and right after our meeting on Friday, the team went to work, rolling it out and we started using the forms that were provided by the NHIA.

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