
Less Than 500,000 People Stealing Twice What All Ghanaians Borrow To Survive – Kofi Bentil

Kofi Bentil, an anti-corruption activist and senior vice president of the think tank Imani Centre for Policy and Education (Imani Africa), has lamented the willful waste of Ghana’s resources by corruption and activities associated to corruption.

Mr. Bentil charged that a small portion of the populace, particularly the political elite and their appointees, were depriving the rest of the populace by engaging in corruption, which cost the nation twice as much as it borrowed for growth.

This point was presented by Mr. Bentil, a seasoned anti-corruption activist and campaigner, on Multimedia’s Newsfile show on February 4, 2023.

In our nation, we steal and waste more than twice as much as we borrow [for growth].

Out of the 30 million people, less than 500,000 are in charge of our nation. And of those 500,000, the ministries and anything else are included. The 30 million of us who borrow money to survive steal and waste more than twice as much, he remarked.

The New Patriotic Party (NPP) gained control of government largely on the basis of a pledge to eradicate corruption. But its corruption perception index score has continuously been low, according to Transparency International (CPI). A score of 100 indicates that the nation is highly clean or free of corruption, while a score of 0 indicates that the nation is deeply corrupt or that widespread corruption is present.

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