
Man Storms Christian Atsu’s Family House To Resurrect The Late Player

A man claiming to have what it takes to bring Christian Atsu back to life has besieged the family house of the late footballer to deliver a message to them.

Deacon Francis Asare Amegavi, who is based in Tamale, traveled all the way to Gbawe in Accra to deliver the message which he claims to have received from God about the incident surrounding Atsu’s death.

According to the self-professed man of God, the Lord appeared to him while praying at dawn on 20 February – with a message that the late footballer should not be sent to the grave because he will be resurrected.

He said, as Christians who believe in the resurrection of the dead, this is the time for people who claim to love Christian Atsu and are wailing over his demise to unite and pray fervently for his comeback, according to God’s own plan and purpose.

Although the death of the former Black Star winger has dealt a big blow to his immediate family, loved ones, as well as people who benefitted from his benevolence, it must be accepted that he is bound to die just like everyone else.

However, his good deeds have elicited sympathy and a plea to God for his life to be spared so he can continue to help people who depended on him for survival and comfort. But death is inevitable and it’s appointed unto man to die once.

Some persons who claim to have supernatural powers can have challenged nature and have vowed to resurrect Atsu by hook or crook if only the family is willing to meet some demands to bring their departed loved one back to life.

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