
Medical Benefits Of Plantain And Banana Leaf

There are numerous medical benefits in plantain and banana leaves that cure life-threatening diseases.  

Medical Benefits Of Plantain And Banana Leafs


The medical benefits of plantain and banana leaves are very powerful herbs that cure health conditions such as cold, fever or flu. It has antibacterial, anti-irritant and antiseptic properties.

The leaf extract is known to have expectorant and anti-irritant properties as well. The leaves when cooked, can be made into a tea or tincture, and this is said to help with indigestion, heartburn and ulcers when taken internally.

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Externally, it is used for insect and snake bites, and as a remedy for rashes and cuts. As well as, it is loaded with vitamins, and minerals that are good for your body, especially the hair and skin. Just grind the leaves and apply them to the affected area for a week.

If you have received a sunburn from the beach or pool, plantain or banana leaves can be used to reduce the effect. Extracting the juice from the leaves by crushing it and applying cool water to it. The Medical Benefits Of Plantain And Banana Leafs are essential to the body.

Medical Benefits Of Plantain And Banana Leafs

Then, apply it to the affected area using your hands or a brush. The anti-inflammatory nature will go into effect to soothe the burn. The leaf of the plantain contains allantoin which has antibacterial properties. Therefore, once the leaves are applied to wounds it kills the germs as well as bacteria. Medical Benefits Of Plantain And Banana Leafs

Thus, speeding up the healing process with the production of new skin cells. The antimicrobial properties in the plantain and banana leave aid in the skin regeneration process which allows the skin to heal properly from a wound. The leaf has a cooling effect. Looking at how the Medical Benefits Of Plantain And Banana Leafs are not commonly known, is mind-boggling.

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Thus, using products that contain plantain leaves to be applied topically aids in reducing inflammation. This reduces the chances of getting acne. As well as, inducing faster healing and regeneration of healthy skin cells too.

The plantain peel together with charcoal powder whitens the teeth and also encourages good breath. When fresh plantain peel is dipped into charcoal powder and brushed on teeth, it reduces bacteria and food pieces on and inside the teeth. It promotes strong teeth in children too and solves bad breath in kids and adults. When going for a job interview or applying for a job position.

Medical Benefits Of Plantain And Banana Leafs

Get some plantain or banana leaves (place any currency coin under the tree before cutting the leaf), and get akoko mesa or basil leaves (place any currency coin under the plant before tearing the leaf). Add water to it in a bucket. Place your request and prayer over the bucket and bathe it without soap, the night before that day. Afterwards, throw the contents away. You’ll receive good feedback when stepped into that company or deal. The same process drives away evil spirits, and spiritual attacks from work colleagues and cleanses the body.

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