
Narcotics Control Commission Confiscates 20.5kg Of Marijuana

The Narcotics Control Commission (NACOC) stopped 20.5 kilograms of hidden marijuana parcels destined for smuggling out of Ghana through postal and courier centers in Accra. NACOC shared on Facebook that their operations over three days uncovered various attempts to transport illegal substances abroad.

On Monday, April 15, 2024, routine checks by NACOC officers found four parcels hidden in wrapped boxes marked for the United Kingdom. Further investigations exposed similar illegal activities in the days following.

The next day, April 16, 2024, officers seized an outgoing parcel containing 21 slabs of compressed marijuana, weighing 5.80 kilograms.

On Friday, April 19, 2024, authorities seized two parcels bound for the UK, containing ten cannabis slabs weighing 5.3 kilograms, plus an extra four slabs weighing 1.4 kilograms. The next day, on April 20, 2024, they found more cannabis hidden in an EMS parcel weighing 5.3 kilograms, also headed for the UK.

A significant discovery took place on Wednesday, April 24, 2024, when officers found black soap packed with cannabis slabs in a bathing pail, weighing 2.10 kilograms and intended for transit to the United Kingdom.

Upon confirming the presence of narcotics in these parcels through field tests, they were swiftly taken to NACOC Headquarters for thorough investigation. NACOC is working vigorously to catch those involved in these illegal activities.

The message emphasized that drug possession and transportation are illegal activities and warned the public of the associated legal consequences.

Read Also: US Army Major Found Guilty of Smuggling Guns to Ghana

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