Noise-making And Drumming Restrictions To Commence May 6th

The Ga Traditional Council, led by Ga Mantse and President King Tackie Teiko Tsuru II, has declared the initiation of the annual ban on drumming and noise-making.
This prohibition will be effective from Monday, May 6, until Thursday, June 6. The decree aims to halt all forms of noise disturbances within the Ga State. Additionally, the statement emphasizes the suspension of celebratory gatherings and funeral activities during this period.
“Noise-making activities, including clapping of hands, use of tambourines, and other musical instruments are to halt during this period.
“The placement of loudspeakers outside church premises and mosques is banned during this period. Roadside evangelism, the use of megaphones, and other loudspeakers should also be avoided entirely during this period.
“Funeral rites and related activities are also to cease during this period and up to a week after the official ban ends” the state added
Once more, the Council issued a firm reminder, indicating its intent to implement stricter penalties for breaches of noise-making regulations.
The Council reiterated its dedication to preserving its valued tradition as the customary ban on noise-making draws near. Furthermore, it highlighted the formation of a joint task force, in partnership with REGSEC and multiple metropolitan, municipal, and district assemblies, to coordinate efforts with law enforcement and security agencies in enforcing the ban.
Credit: AdomOnline
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