
Research Shows 50% Of Ghanaian Doctors Now Work Overseas

Recent data from the Ghana Human Development Report has illuminated the continuous departure of medical doctors professionals from Ghana.

According to a survey titled “The Future Value of Work in Ghana,” due to unfavorable working conditions, 50% of doctors and 24% of nurses who received their training in Ghana are currently employed abroad.

The National Development Planning Commission, the Statistical Service, and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) worked together to prepare the publication.

The report has issued a warning: if action is not taken quickly to address the enormous migration, Ghana’s health system may deteriorate.

The document made clear that the health sector is in a grave situation and that immediate, practical action is required to prevent a complete shutdown of the industry.

The report highlighted that despite challenges, the health system showed robustness during the COVID-19 outbreak.

It cited shortages of PPE and qualified personnel and emphasized the need for better health promotion, palliative, and rehabilitative care.

The authors suggested adopting a life course approach to improve care for the elderly, disabled, and marginalized individuals.

Read Also: Health Director Reports Increase in Respiratory Diseases in Accra 

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