
Student Butchered At Jukwa Wawase For Allegedly Stealing GH¢5

Kweku Nkrumah, a 21-year-old final-year student of Hemang Technical Institute has been butchered for allegedly stealing GHC5 at Jukwa Wawase in the Hemang-Lower Denkyira District.

The incident happened on Sunday morning when the victim was accused of stealing money in a taxi he boarded.


Esi Ghana, a sister of the victim told GhanaWeb’s Central Regional Correspondent that his brother picked a taxi with one Salinko, a 45-year-old man from Jankobo to Wawase on Friday.

The money got missing in the car when they board the car and was not found.

Salinko in early hours of Sunday confronted the victim that he had stolen the money, and proceeded to inflict cutlass wounds on him after denying the allegation.

The victim was rushed to the Twifo Praso Government Hospital for examination and is responding to treatment.

The suspect has, however, been arrested by the police for interrogation and investigation.

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