
We Elected You To Grow Our Wealth, Not Steal It – Bernard Mornah

Bernard Anbataayela Mornah, former PNC National Chairman and presidential hopeful, criticized the sale of state-owned institutions to government cronies.

In a Citi FM interview, he argued that non-performing state agencies should be reformed, not sold, calling the idea of selling them “myopic and midget thinking.”

He emphasized that revamping these agencies would better benefit the nation.

He emphasized the need for sustainable solutions to improve state institutions instead of privatizing them.

Mornah argued that state assets should be managed for the nation’s benefit, not for personal gain through sales. He stressed that these assets should contribute to national development and be maintained properly.

Mornah expressed confusion over government officials selling state assets for personal profit instead of improving them. He accused these officials of ‘state capture,’ benefiting themselves at the nation’s expense and undermining public trust and accountability.

He stated:

“We select people so that they will be able to build upon the assets we have, to be able to add unto the wealth of our nation and not to come and steal the wealth of our nation. And so, when people are appointed into office, and they meet assets of the state, the least we expect of them is to maintain those assets and manage them. The more we expect of them is to actually increase the assets stock of our nation.”

“But when you elect people to office and all that they do is to deliberately appoint persons that will see or supervise the seeming collapse of state assets, to serve as fodder for the sale of these assets to themselves, then society has to rise,”

Read Also: Bernard Mornah & Others Petition CHRAJ To Investigate Cecilia Dapaah 

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