
Bimbilla hospital nurses on sit-down strike over prolonged water disconnection

Bimbilla hospital nurses on sit-down strike over prolonged water disconnection.

Nurses at the Bimbilla hospital in the Nanumba North municipality in the Northern Region have initiated a sit-down strike due to the prolonged absence of water in the hospital for the past two months.

The issue arose after the community water company in Bimbilla disconnected the water supply to the hospital due to non-payment of bills.

As per the water company’s records, the hospital owes over two hundred and forty thousand Ghana cedis.

Regrettably, this has led to patients being turned away, as the nurses firmly assert that they will not resume work until the water supply is restored.

In an interview with Citi News, the Medical Superintendent of the hospital Dr Barihama Adam expressed concerns over the situation.

According to the manager of the water system, Ibrahim Sugri Issah, they are unwilling to reconnect the water supply to the facility until the outstanding bills are settled.

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