
Interior Minister Extends Curfew In Bawku

The Upper East Region’s curfew hours for Bawku Municipality and the surrounding areas have been extended by the Interior Ministry through Executive Instrument.

The renewed curfew is in place starting on Tuesday, July 2, 2024, and runs from 8:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m.

Henry Quartey, the interior minister, urged the local populace—including youth, opinion leaders, elders, and chiefs—to utilize non-violent methods to channel their energies toward maintaining peace while also exercising restraint when faced with obstacles.

The carrying of any kind of offensive weapon, including ammunition, is completely prohibited in the interim.

Anyone detected in possession of any weapons or ammunition faces arrest and legal action.

Read Also: Curfew On Nkonya And Alavanyo Renewed 

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