
Mzbel Officially Signs New Artiste In Ritual Ceremony with Schnapps

Through a customary oath-taking ritual that includes schnapps and eggs, veteran musician Mzbel has joined Icetee Records in introducing and signing their newest artist, Kweku Shai.

At the signing ceremony, Mzbel and the record label executives took an oath to uphold the conditions of the contract while wearing traditional Ga regalia.

Speaking about the ritual’s importance, Mzbel underlined the importance of dedication and loyalty in the music business, particularly in a time when treachery has grown commonplace.

We will swear to ensure the gods bear witness that we will all fulfill our part of the deal. The money we invest, we expect the same energy, ideas, and time in return to boost the brand,” she stated.

Mzbel has previously expressed disappointment over artistes she helped who later abandoned her, making this oath-taking a strategic move to ensure accountability.

Following the ceremony, the official contract was signed, marking the beginning of Kweku Shai’s partnership with Icetee Records.

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