
Christian Atsu Finally Rescued Alive In Turkey

Former Black Stars playmaker Christian Atsu has been pulled alive after spending hours under the rubble.

Christian Atsu was reported to have been found yesterday. Hours after the news broke out, it was denied. In the early hours of today, his rescue has been wildly published by trusted sources.

Turkish journalist Yagiz this morning has affirmed that the Ghanaian has been found. Major outlets have also reported that he is alive and well.

Read Also:  Christian Atsu Reportedly Found Alive

Joysports journalist Fentuo Tahiru who earlier denied the news of his rescue hours ago has now confirmed he is alive. Before the confirmation, Sadik had already declared the player was sound and okay.

Reports indicate he is very well and strong. Ghanaians have been praying for the winger since the incident. Before you go, kindly Follow US on all social media platforms for more news updates. Also, join our growing online family and be part of something great.

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