Bank Of Ghana Sets Momo Daily Limit

The Bank of Ghana is stepping up its measures to facilitate the proposed cashless system. A development to further sink the cash and carry fashion.
Daily transaction limits and the maximum account balances on mobile money wallets, have been raised by the Bank Of Ghana. A statement released by BoG encourages citizens to do more business using online transactions.
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Also, monthly aggregate transaction limits will, however, remain unchanged. Ghanaians are gradually incorporating the mobile banking system.

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Follow Us for more exclusive news updates. We are on all social media platforms. The government of Ghana is trying to revive the ailing economy. Despite the cedi matching the dollar, prices of goods and services remain high.
Members of parliament from the New Patriotic Party have started calling for the head of the Finance Minister. The under-fire Finance, Ken Ofori Atta’s investment bank is also experiencing hard times.
How will this new phase in mobile banking affect business? Let us know your thought in the comment section. Majority of Ghanaian trust the mobile banking system more than the traditional banking ways.