
Chief Justice Throws Out Martin Amidu ’s Petition To Remove OSP

The previous Special Prosecutor Martin Amidu ‘s appeal to remove Kissi Agyebeng, his replacement, from office was denied by Chief Justice Gertrude Sackey Torkornoo.

Joy News sources claim that the Chief Justice found that the petition’s factual and legal basis did not meet the necessary standards to create a prima facie case for the special prosecutor’s removal.

According to reports, Mr. Amidu sent the petition, which was dated April 30, 2024, to the President. On May 6, 2024, Justice Gertrude Torkonoo received it.

Mr. Amidu made accusations of abuses involving judges and the administration of justice, as well as procurement violations in the purchase of cars for the Office of the Special Prosecutor (OSP).

Additional claims include infringements on people’ rights via erroneous staff nominations to the office, arrests and detentions, and information access violations.

Additionally, Mr. Amidu said that the Special Prosecutor had misused his authority by detaining people like Prof. Frimpong Boateng and Cecilia Dapaah.

Read Also: Martin Amidu Petitions For Current Special Prosecutor ‘s Removal 

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