
Cold Store Businesses Support Calls For Dumsor Timetable

Tema’s cold shop owners are pleading for a load-shedding schedule immediately as they deal with the current unpredictable power supply, which is known as “dumsor” in Ghana. These companies are under a great deal of financial hardship as a result of the erratic power outages, which forces them to depend on pricey alternative power sources.

It has also resulted in greater expenses, which might raise the cost of fish and other goods and services.

Mankoadzee Fisheries manager Victor Seddoh voiced his worries in an interview with Citi News. He questioned why the authorities couldn’t figure out what was causing these disruptions.

He emphasized how frequent power interruptions raise the cost of fuel for generators, which raises their overall costs.

“Have they identified the problems, the authorities? Because we hear conflicting information from various regulatory bodies. Why won’t the government get one solid reason for these outages and then resolve it.”

“Until the power outage, we were relying on ECG. So we hardly bought fuel at all for the generator. Within this period of power outage, we will need to buy at least 600 litres of fuel to run for eight to nine hours. And that is very expensive. You cannot put a monetary figure on it because the price keeps changing.”

“It is cost and we must reduce cost. So in retrieving cost what do you do, you apply to your customers and that is the issue. And the eventual results will be an increase in prices of goods and services, the fish price will go up. ”

The manager of Nkunim Frozen Foods, Christabel Mensah, talked about how a recent power outage over the weekend cost her around 100 cartons of fish.

She underlined that in order to assist cold store operators in better organizing their business, a load-shedding schedule is necessary.

A dumsor schedule, in the opinion of the cold store owners, would allow them more control over their operations and lessen the adverse consequences of the power interruptions.

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