First Cholera Cases Reported In Three Districts Of Ashanti Region

Three districts in the Ashanti Region have reported the first five confirmed cases of cholera. As of December 28, 2024, Kumasi and Bekwai each had one instance, while the Sekyere South District had the highest cases with three cases.
Laboratory findings verified five positive cases out of 28 probable cases.
This area now joins the Central, Greater Accra, and Western Regions, all of which have recently seen deadly cholera outbreaks. As of December 23, 2024, there have been 35 fatalities nationwide from 4,155 suspected cases since October 2024.
The spread of the virus has caused health officials in the Ashanti Region to increase their level of alertness. The Public Health Emergency Operations Center had an emergency meeting called by the Ashanti Regional Health Directorate in response. Participants included district, municipal, and metropolitan health directors, environmental health officers, water and sanitation agencies, and representatives from the Food and Drugs Authority (FDA).
The following actions have been made by the Regional Health Directorate to stop the spread:
1. cleaning the residences of confirmed cases.
2.separating impacted people and tracking down their contacts.
3.enhancing public health response and surveillance activities in coordination with district teams.
4.assembling emergency committees for public health in impacted areas.
According to a preliminary analysis of affected neighborhoods in Bekwai and Sekyere South, none of the afflicted people utilized public facilities, and all verified instances were localized.
Under the direction of Dr. Fred Adomako-Boateng, the Regional Health Directorate has also stepped up its training and awareness efforts for medical staff on contact tracing, case definitions, and identification.
Purchase supplements and vitamins.
Earlier this year, the cholera outbreak was first reported in the Western Region, where more than 100 cases were recorded, resulting in 15