
GSA IT Officer Collapses & Die Fighting Top Manager

The junior staff of Ghana Standard Authority were wrapped in red and black attires on Wednesday, April 26, to mourn the death of a GSA IT officer.

GSA IT Officer Collapses & Die While Fighting Top Manager

According to the information gathered, an IT officer collapsed during a quarrel with the Director of Administration. During the altercation, he fell and the ground and was rushed to the hospital.

The GSA IT officer was diagnosed to have suffered a stroke and died three days later. Tensions between junior and senior staff are mounting high.

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GSA IT Officer Collapses & Die While Fighting Top Manager

The event occurred on Tuesday, March 7. The deceased GSA IT officer will be buried on Saturday, April 29.

The unsettled workers are demanding the results of an investigation into the death of their colleague.

They drummed and danced on the premises to remind management about the incident. According to them, justice delayed is justice denied.

Deputy General Secretary of the Public Service Workers Union John Sampan told Media General‘s Richard Bright Addo that the workers had written to management and nothing had been heard except a durbar addressed of the Chief Executive Officer.

GSA IT Officer Collapses & Die While Fighting Top Manager

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