
KNUST Students Develop App Which Allows Users To Earn Money While Watching Ads

The MyAdmo App is a new app created by two KNUST students to revolutionize ads viewing by internet users. The app converts ads viewed into points that can be used to buy products and services. Thus, the MyAdmo App enables users to make some cash from viewing ads.

Internet users are most often swarmed with advertisements as they access different websites and social media.

If you want to book a sit and be one of the early adopters, register with the app online and get ready for some amazing services and products.
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Businesses, Individuals, Bloggers, and just anyone who has a product to sell can hump onto the MyAdmo App and reach millions of users.

Let us support Ghanaian start-up tech inventions like these and develop our online business, products, and security.
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Currently, online users of the internet do not get paid for using the internet in any way. Even if a service like the one MyAdmo App seeks to provide exists, they may be in the UK or UK and once may need a VIP to access it. Worst of all, internet users in Ghana are not rewarded for viewing these ads.

But two Computer Science students of the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Richard Adjetey and Philip Allotey are trying to change this with an App called myAdmo.
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MyAdmo is an adblocker extension that not only block ads but gives users points for the ads they view.

They then earn points they can use to purchase products in a marketplace provided by MyAdmo.

Advertisers can also sell their products through MyAdmo. MyAdmo does not leave the blogger out. With a MyAdmo account, bloggers can also earn more cash from classified ads.
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MyAdmo App lets you make money by simply viewing ads. Download now and start earning cash while you browse. Get paid for your attention!

The MyAdmo App which allows users to earn cash while viewing adverts can be accessed

It also worth reading: How To Earn From Your Browsing With MyAdmo App


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