
Life Feels Iike A Trap After 39 Years Without Love And Kids

A frustrated 39-year-old woman has taken to social media to lament her ordeal, saying life feels like a trap for her.

Women love marriage and childbirth so much that when life feels like this, becomes worthless. At age 39, she said she feels like dying whenever she realizes she is still not married. The frustration is about not having children at her age.

According to her, looking back, her dream of settling down was killed by high expectations. The disturbed woman called on young girls to let go of their high expectations of men.

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The feeling of disappointment is eating her up as a woman whom society expects a lot from at her age. She would love to settle any responsible man regardless of stature.

These revelations were made in a TikTok video. she was captured shedding tears and deemed herself a failure who has not been able to attract a suitor, let alone think of walking her down the aisle.

She believes the time is no longer on her side considering the extremes of being a woman at her age.  The hormonal changes she is experiencing could bar her from making babies and owning a home.

When life feels like hell on earth, talk to people that will uplift your soul. This lady needs people that will be there for her in this difficult time.

The beauty of having a stable family at her age is priceless. Before you go, kindly Follow Us for more exclusive news updates. Also, join our growing online family and be part of something great.

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