
Michael Blackson Claims His Assistant Is Facing Threats After Criticising Gov’t

The comedian Michael Blackson, who is Ghanaian-American, has revealed that he is receiving threats for publicly criticizing the way the Ghanaian government is managing his financial ventures.

Blackson used euro bonds that initially offered a 10% interest rate to fund the project’s operations after investing $1 million in a school project.

But he was later told that his returns would only be 1.95% because of the national debt problems.

Blackson added that after his outrage over the matter on social media, his assistant had received threats.

Blackson conveyed his dismay at the situation while emphasizing his close ties to Ghana and his wish to make a constructive contribution to the nation.

He tweeted:

“My assistant in Ghana called me yesterday and said he was getting threats because of my tweets. Let me get this straight, I decide to come home because of the love and passion I have for home but I get robbed and since I don’t have the power to fight back I decided to tell the world my problem and now they threaten my people. Smh,”

He is not going back from sharing the truth about his experiences, even if it puts others on edge, in spite of the criticism and threats.

Michael Blackson explained that he did not intend to hold Ghana accountable for his financial loss, even if he acknowledged that his remarks may have inadvertently painted the country in an unfavorable light.

He reaffirmed his respect for Ghana and its people and pledged to keep resolving the problems he has come across.

Read Also: Michael Blackson Cries Out As Ghana’s Economy Fails His Investments 

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