Nigel Gaisie Is a Scam – Nana Romeo

Accra Fm presenter Nana Rpmeo is the latest person to accuse prophet Nigel Gaisie of fol play.
The radio presenter has the clergyman betrayed their friendship by sleeping with his girlfriend. Before the prophet became a household name in Ghana, Nana Romeo played an important role.
Stacy Amoateng asked Nana about his regret in life and said his a relationship with Nigel Gaisie. When friends betray your trust and hope, it is more painful than the cut of a two-edged sword.
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Months ago, Afia Schwazzneer accused Nigel Gaise of rapping and threatening women at his church. Prominent among them is Nana Romeo’s girlfriend.
According to Romeo, the prophet asked to see him and his girlfriend. On the faithful day, the man of God showed suspecting signs. Follow Us for more exclusive news updates on all social media platforms.
Watch the full interview below.