Resign If You Can’t Solve Challenges With Non-Performing Schools – Mahama To Adutwum

Former President John Mahama has advised the Minister of Education, Yaw Adutwum to resign if he is overwhelmed with the challenges of schools, particularly non-performing schools.
This comes on the back of the Minister of Education warning non-performing schools that they will be forced to close down if they do not improve.
But the former President disagrees.
Former President Mahama addressing branch and constituency executives of the NDC earlier today at Adudwama in the Ahafo Ano South East Constituency asked the government and the minister for education not to touch the children and schools.
“Help them achieve better results and provide better education for the children, but don’t you dare close schools. The Minister for Education should resign if his only solution to a problem is to close schools,” he stated.
The aspiring NDC flag bearer also described as unacceptable the motive by the Minister of Education against non-performing schools.
“The government must sit down and rather assess reasons why the schools are not performing. Maybe they don’t have adequate teachers or furniture to make learning easy, so they can perform.
“The suggestion by the Education Minister to close down non-performing schools and enroll the students in other schools is unacceptable and insensitive to me,” Mr. Mahama reiterated.