
Trump Gains Ground As Biden Misses Out on Key Matters During Debate

Many Americans had voiced doubts about Joe Biden’s age and suitability for government prior to Thursday night.

It might be one of the biggest understatements of the year to say that this debate did not allay those worries.

The president had a low bar to meet going into the discussion, yet he faltered. He had no depth. He was talking incoherently. He wasn’t sure.

Midway through the debate, Biden’s campaign blamed his raspy voice on a cold, but it sounded like an excuse. For 90 minutes, Biden struggled, with some nonsensical answers, like “We finally beat Medicare.” His former communications director, Kate Beddingfield, admitted on CNN it was a poor debate for Biden, saying he failed to show energy and stamina. Biden took big swings at his opponent, some landing and provoking angry responses from Trump. The focus on economy and immigration, where polls favor Trump, made things worse for Biden. Trump’s quip, “I really don’t know what he said, and I don’t think he did, either,” summed up the night.

Formidable Trump

The former president delivered a disciplined performance, avoiding interruptions and focusing on attacking Biden’s record. Despite making unsupported claims and falsehoods, Biden couldn’t effectively challenge him.

On abortion, Trump falsely claimed Democrats support post-birth abortions, deflecting from a topic that’s been a weakness for him. Biden’s attacks in this area were ineffective.

What’s next

This debate, the earliest in modern US history, was scheduled early by Biden’s team to shift focus to Trump. However, Biden’s performance is the main takeaway. The early debate also allows Biden more time to recover. The Democrats’ convention in August will present a scripted vision of Biden’s second term, and another debate in September will be closer to the November election. Despite this, Democrats might wonder if another debate with Trump will yield better results or if they should consider a different nominee in August.

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